Name Attended Sept 25, 2015? When I first met Cale Where I first met Cale Comments and Shenanigans
Mary and Len Radmacher Yes When he was an infant. At his parents house. He was the cutest baby, but very vocal.
Gail Salmon Yes When he was born When he was born Cale grew up with Jay and Leah. He was very helpful with the younger kids. Very friendly and just an all around great kid! I remember him as a very active boy, an amazing swimmer and generally all around great athlete. Losing Cale is a huge loss, the world won’t be the same without him! My condolences go out to his family and friends.
Christena Dianne Andersen Yes The second he was born. The operating room and then my room at the Royal Inland Hospital, Kamloops, B.C. Love at first sight! He loved my voice, believe it or not. The second I went into the nursery to pick him up or the day, if he was crying he would stop as soon as I called his name. The most memorable Shenanigan was when he was around 8 years old, I took Jamie for a quick bike ride from our house on Sunvalley Drive in Kamloops. Cale had gone to a friends house directly kiddy corner from our house and was to stay there until I got home. He got bored and came home anyways. He got into my car, pulled out the first aid kit and bandaged himself up all over. I rode into the yard on my bike with Jamie and saw him sitting on the step all first aided up! Of course I freaked out and then he started laughing and said to me, “that’ll teach you for leaving me home alone!”
Leah Campbell Yes 2009 We worked together at Vanilla Room We became friends when we worked together at Vanilla Room and he was my ridiculously good looking bodyguard. We could always joke, be silly and be real with each other. Our very politically incorrect inside joke was calling each other “retarded kitties” and would always say “Mow mow” when we wanted each others attention. Cale always stood by me throughout my different relationships and my boyfriends always knew I had Cale in my corner in case they acted up. Haha πŸ˜‰ (He actually was friends with 3 of them, everyone loved him.) Boyfriends came and went, but my friendship with Cale never left. He was my constant male love in my life. He always said I deserved nothing but the best and to not put up with stupid boys. <3 When I had moved to Vancouver and it didn’t work out with my bf at the time he offered his spare room in Gastown and we were not only best friends but roomies! Once again, Cale stepped in and saved the day. Living with your friends is not always easy and we did get in to a fight over who he had over one time. Our “fight” lasted all of 1 minute….Tops. He could never stay angry and he valued his friends too much to be mad over stupid things. πŸ™‚ I loved seeing Cale around his friends, you could feel the love. He loved to make people laugh. Guys like Cale are very hard to come by… he had so much talent and passion. I loved hearing him play his guitar or seeing the artistic photos he posted to instagram. The last time I saw Cale was late this summer. He had come to Victoria to visit Nikita, Jamie, and me. Not many friends have made it to the island to visit. The fact that Cale did says a lot about him and how he values his friends. He was a true friend. I miss him so much. I’ll always miss him. It makes me happy to think of him and our memories together though. I will hold our time together dear to my heart. And to all our friends and Cale’s family, seeing you all and having you in my life will always keep Cale near… I see him in all of you. It truly is a beautiful thing. Love you guys. Love you Caley. Hold your loved ones tight every chance you get, because tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. 831
Jane Petersen Yes At birth Kamloops, B.C. Cale and my eldest daughter Alexis used to play together, from birth, lots of fun times. One memory of Caley and Alexis is when they were playing the Nintendo game, and when Alexis got close to winning, Caley jumped up and shut the game off! Can’t lose to a girl……We shall all miss Caley so. Heaven has gained an awesome Angel tho’ . Till we meet again Caley.
Preston Lahmer Yes 2009 Through friends Cale was a solid brother. I say brother, because to me if someone is truly a best friend, they’re fam. We all miss specific things about him, memories we shared, and the beautiful soul he left behind, but if we can all relive those moments that stand out, day by day, minute by minute, everyone can work together to learn to live with this. I’ve lost more than a couple family in my life, and I know for a fact that the term “time heals everything” isn’t true. The best we can do is learn to cope and manage with the pain. To Cale, our loved one, we love you Homie. Rest easy
Cindy Mochizuki No When his mom, Tena, started working at the Kamloops Museum &amp; Archives. Kamloops Museum &amp; Archives, 207 Seymour St Kamloops BC When I first met Cale, I was struck by how handsome and polite he was. I could see that he was a very centered person by the way he spoke and carried himself. I was impressed by the way he talked to people and looked them right in the eye as if this were the most important conversation in the world. I didn’t know him well, but felt as if I did as Tena became a very good friend and confidante in my life and still is. We talked about our children and what they were up to and kept up to date on where they were. My condolences go out to all who knew and loved Cale. My thoughts and prayers are always with you!
Jenn Newby Yes Feb-09 Glenn & Tena’s house Cale & Chris lived together as roommates the first time I came to Canada. He didn’t say much (trying to let us have our time together I think) but you could see he had a half smile every time he looked at us together. We had a big pancake breakfast with Glenn, Tena, Cale, his gf at the time and us… and any time he wasn’t chewing, he was laughing! πŸ™‚
Norm & Joanne Tegart Yes We first met Cale ( I think) Thanksgiving 2003) Armstrong (Our place) There were 13 of us for turkey dinner & last minute preps can be stressful so Cale could see that & offered to help with the gravy. . Β It was good to get to know Cale & Jamie & welcome them into our family!
Joyce Bilodeau No when I first met Cale, he was the cutest little helllion i had ever seen! I met him through work, his dad or his mom sometimes would bring him into the rec office and they were full of beans both him and his brother, but so darn cute, we loved seeing them come in for a visit as we knew it was going to be a fun day in the rec office!
Tracy Sutton Yes As an infant His Family home I’ve been friends with both of Cale’s parents since long before we all had kids. I was a lifeguard with his parents and saw Cale as he grew up. Such a cute smiley blonde kid. Always polite, with a smile that lit up the place, whether a room, the pool deck, the soccer field or the hills when we went hiking. During his teen years I knew him more as Jamie’s older brother as Jamie was good friends with my son. I only saw him a few times as the big handsome adult he grew into but he still had that amazing smile and always a warm hug! He Loved his family, I’m sure he’s watching over them.
Mel & Karen Andersen Yes day of his birth RIH, Kamloops We have many happy memories of Cale, one in particular stands out, we were chatting with Clint and we looked over and Caley was 3/4 up our very tall fir tree! He and Grandpa had lots of fun playing in the back yard, esp. around the root cellar. We will love him and miss him always
Glenn Newby Yes Jun-00 Kamloops Proud to have him a member of my family
Diane Coleman No I met this lovely young man as a youngster. Very cute, full of energy and an amazing smile. I would see Cale at the pool and he had the best egg beater that I had every seen having been a water baby. I remember thinking he would make an excellent lifeguard, following his parents. I worked with Tena and would love listening to all the stories about how well Cale was doing at sport and he excelled in everything he did not just sport. I miss hearing how he doing and what his next adventure is. He grew into a lovely young man with a big heart that will be greatly missed. Just taken way too early, he had lots more hopes and dreams to accomplish.
Aimee Yes Kelowna I first met Cale when I went on a fun road trip to Kelowna. We met through mutual friends. As we started to get to know each other. Turned out we were basically neighbours! We would always joke about jogging down the street to give each other a hug. I loved the fact that he was so close. We had plans to make a fort in his living room drink wine and eat cheese lol. He was always up for my weird / fun ideas. In the short amount of time I knew Cale, he made a huge impact on my life. He was so genuine and gave amazing advice. He was so uplifting, I enjoyed our goofy conversations so much. I am thankful to have known him. <3 & miss him everyday. Hugs to all of his family and friends.
Graham Young No 2011 Through friends I was unfortunately out of town when the celebration of life took place and truly wish I could have been there. Cale and I only hung out a handful of times, but I always have regarded him as one of the most genuine people I know. Despite the little time we had together, we bonded right away. He had an incredible way of making anyone feel comfortable around him; like they had been best buds for years. It’s quite amazing how influential he was, as I often think of him and how much I admired his integrity. I lost my Mom a few years ago and have been fortunate to see her pop up in my life in many ways as she watches over. I hope everyone can find some comfort in knowing Cale is with them always. RIP brother.
Celine No As a teenager At Tena’s house during a lovely dinner I enjoyed the backyard dinners and dinners in the house with Tena, Cale, Jamie, myself and my mom. My mom is good friends with Tena and they were lifeguards in Kamloops together. I wish I could have known Cale as an adult. His presence is powerful and strong through Tena’s dedication to keeping his memory vibrant and alive. Thank you Tena and Cale. greenheart